Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Research Project on Sharks

Research Project on Sharks

There are over 300 different types of sharks. But only a few are used for cooking. They include : Blacktip, Bonito, Common Thresher, Mako, Sandbar, Smooth Dogfish, Soupfin, Spiny Dogfish. Shark has no bones. Their body structure is supported by cartilage. Sharks also don't have a swim bladder, which helps fish float. Since cartilage is lighter than bone sharks are able to float. This makes cooking a lot easier for the chef.

Shark is not a common entre at restaurants but is becoming popular to the consumer. Shark has a pinkish flesh just like salmon. The Soupfin shark is used as a gelatin base in a Chinese Soup. The blacktip shark has a white-pinkish flesh with ruby red edges. This is the most popular shark. The Mako looks and taste a lot like swordfish. Spiny and smooth dogfish have the most fatty flesh than other sharks. These are the only sharks that can be used to cook with. Most shark is sold as steaks or filets.

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The body of the shark is unique to be a fish. It has no bones and only cartilage to support the body. This makes their bodies more flexible, but also makes the shark a little clumsier. Sharks have 5 fins. The Caudal, 1st and 2nd Dorsal, Anal, Pectoral, and Pelvic. They have 5 to 7 gills unlike most fish who have 1. Some species have gills on top of their head where their ears should be. These are like a baby gill; more active sharks have very tiny ones or none at all. They have several rows of teeth and can grow them back as needed. The teeth are very strong and sharp. The color of the shark is special; it helps keep the shark protected from predators above and below. The shark is defiantly a unique fish.

It is easy to recognize the quality of a shark. Shark can give off a slight ammonia smell. This is ok, but if it is too strong than it has gone bad. Shark will be sold either fresh or frozen. When you buy steaks or filets make sure they look moist and the flesh should be translucent. To store the shark, take it from the package and rinse it off. Fish can go bad when it sits in its own juices. Place it in a shallow pan with crushed ice. Set the steaks on top and wrap. Then set them in a fridge. Shark can be frozen for 3 to 4 months. Some shark is available all year round like Bonito, Mako, and Sandbar. Thresher is popular during April Through August. Blacktip is in season November to April. Shark is not a problem to get. Shark is always caught fresh from the sea and sold at the market. You can find fresh shark only on the east and west coast.

To prepare shark it must be bled soon as it is caught. If it isn't bled then the flesh takes on an ammonia smell. If the shark has a slight smell it can be taken care of by soaking the meat in lemon juice for 30 mins. Cut out any of the dark meat on the steaks or filets. When you cook the shark it is a good idea to keep the skin attached. This helps the meat keep moisture during cooking. Shark can be cooked many ways, but do not overcook it. The shark is done when then flesh becomes opaque and is still moist inside. Some of the ways to cook shark are Baking, Grilling, Broiling, Frying, Poaching, and Steaming. When cooked with nothing but oil a 3.5 oz steak has 130 calories, 21 g of Protein, and 4.5 g of Fat. Shark is an excellent source for Selenium, Magnesium, Vitamin B12, and Niacin. Shark has some health concerns. All fish has signs of mercury in them, some more than others. Shark can have high levels of mercury in them that exceeds the FDA's way from shark, swordfish, and king mackerel. The Mercury can cause the child to be born with some defects. To keep the mercury level down in your body you should eat different variety of fish.

Shark is quickly becoming popular with the average restaurant customer. The great taste and tender flesh makes for a great meal. Even though they are looked at as the predator of the sea, they still can be caught and eaten as well. Sharks are very expensive and can range in price from 15 to 20 dollars per pound. It depends on how much the provider can supply. Shark can soon be seen as a common entre on a menu one day.

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