Sunday, April 15, 2012

Organizational Behavior Research Proposal

Organizational Behavior Research Proposal

The organizational behavior case we are about to discuss was based on a situation that occurred between the company’s owner and the head of the western satellite of the firm.

Let us now take a closer look at the elements that contributed to this employee’s feeling of inequality.

First of all, the employees feeling of inequality was based on lack of understanding why the western branch was treated as a secondary unit (subunit), although it dealt with the customers and had the client base, the head office would have no business without.

Secondly, the work of the western satellite office has probably been truly intense, the Head office, on the other had did not have to deal with the ever-complaining customers, but still their work was treated as insignificant.

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Thirdly, there was lack of communication of the head office activities and thus, the work done by both unit allowed their members feel they were not treated equally.

Finally, when the matter of earnings showed up, the head of the Western satellite, with more experience, a degree, and hard work for the company, felt that he was really undervalued, in comparison with his colleague from the Head office in Toronto, who obviously had less education, and less workload (namely: no customer contact, no one to supervise, no university education, and no seniority), but still earned 48K, while the head of the office in B.C. earned only 30K a year. This was clearly an inequity that made the head of the western office feel underestimated.

Due to the fact that the employee under consideration was the head of the western satellite, and there was no “comparison other” in the B.C., while the Head office honcho, Helen, was basically, the manager of the same level, and, presumably, had the same earning pattern. Clearly, Helen, the manager of the Head office in Toronto did not have the same set of responsibilities; still, the overall level of salaries among top managers is subject to comparison.

The con-worker in B.C. clearly had almost the same working pattern, while the earnings were basically the same or even lower (according to the standard subordination). The only adequate “comparison other” was the head of the other unit, like Helen. The inequity solved unexpectedly easily: when the head of the Western office had finally decided to put his salary into question, he settled a meeting with the company’s owner. Despite the agitation of the employee, his salary has been raised without any objections. He did not even have to persuade the chief and emphasize his supervisor performance, academic achievements, work experience, and interpersonal skills, which had certainly been worth mentioning in term of a salary raise. The owner admitted that it was the way things were in the company – the Head office employees earned half as much and more, just because it was the “center” of the company.

The owner had simply raised the salary, without providing further incentives and even made the employee feel unappreciated even more than beforehand. This lack of motivation was the key point to the employee’s further disillusionment. The chief’s lack of communication, support, and motivation resulted in the employee’s leave.

There certainly are other factors that may have contributed to the job dissatisfaction experienced by these two employees. I believe there might have been some influence of the lack of proper communication within the company that has contributed to the overall job dissatisfaction of the employees in the B.C. office.

First of all, there should have been more clearness about the function of the company’s core and its satellites, while the corporate policy on reward and compensation might be more flexible and comprehensible.

Secondly, proper attention to the work and the problems of the company’s units by the top management might have helped it appreciate their work more and maybe even enable to provide more efficient and acceptable corporate culture within the company. Thirdly, the employees’ motivation was left behind; the owner of the company has not clearly paid enough attention to the support and appreciation of the most valuable managers. The head of the western office felt underappreciated because his dedication, hard work, and the reputation building were not even mentioned by the head of the company.

Proper motivation, both monetary and non-monetary, is an important element of the employees’ satisfaction and a basis for more incentives and better work performance.

Unluckily, the company had lost a professional that was obviously underappreciated, although the price of a professional of such level was far higher than the difference between the salaries of the heads of the two units.
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