Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sociology Research Paper

Research Paper on Sociology

Segmented society to national society
The last decades of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century had greatly impacted the consciousness of American people, turning a society which was partitioned and fragmented by its location (South and North), ethnic diversity and heritage into a nation, into social formation of a new type, into one of the most powerful and dominant nations on world arena.

The period of 1875-1920’s was a period of dynamic development of economy, trade, technology, industry. America’s economy was boosted by the introduction of a set of technical innovations starting from telegraph and telephone and ending with automobile and radio. As its legislature was one of the most favorable in the world practice for the development of business and trade, all profitable technical innovations had been introduced into wide practice on the advantageous American soil. American concept of business and management which was quite different from those practiced in Europe, as it was free of social stereotypes and prejudices and was cultivated in a liberal society, allowed to succeed to those who were hardworking and ambitious.

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The development of the economy during the years of reconstruction had restored and improved existing state infrastructure and had improved economical cooperation with countries of Europe. The years of economical growth had established favorable conditions for society growth, improvement of living standards and social justice.

Understandably the society of late 1880’s had quite obvious distinctions based on location, heritage and social position.  The number of immigrants was growing from year to year, massive immigration from Germany and Ireland, was substituted by constant immigration from eastern and Southern Europe and from Asia on the western coast. The existence of nation was not obvious, as the social groups that inhabited the USA were quite different both in heritage and in social rank, they had no desire of interaction and simply mutually co-existed interfering only when solving business problems. Moreover, current government did the best to protect the interests of Native American citizens, newcomers’ rights were protected by they had less liberties and less protection than natives. The government was not able to afford equality and equal liberties to all members of society, as American people in general was not ready for these changes. There existed racial bigotry, ethnic and national prejudices, distrust and hidden hatred both to immigrants and to those who lived in the opposite sides of the country (North and South). Poor were limited in rights, workers had no social protection, women didn’t have a right to vote, discrimination to Indians and Native Americans took place everywhere. So there is no sense to talk about a nation, as most of America’s citizens would have no wish to associate themselves with others (immigrants, or people of another race and social position).
Besides, from the point of view of modern sociologists American people of late nineteenth century was an “incomplete” nation or wasn’t one, because the government was not able to provide liberties and equality to all its citizens other in social aspects or in political.

The last decades of the nineteenth century had a deep social meaning on the people of the USA. It was the struggle of workers for bearable conditions of work, fair wages and social protection; it was a time of growing right movements country wide, and other demonstration of direct democracy principles. People began to unite into associations according to their position, class, etc. They began to feel identity and support in the faces of others; moreover they felt they were not lonely, as all current events were relatively truly reflected in media and in public opinion. The spread of goods of mass consumption caused by dynamic and constantly growing goods exchange and trade with the whole world, made the living of the most affordable and cheap in the world. Economic growth brought to the establishment of developed banking system and stocks exchange- the guarantee of economical stability and development.

Investments into the most risky projects worldwide from the pocket of American businessmen became common thing (it’s enough to mention the construction of Panama canal,  construction of railroad network countrywide and country wide network of telegraph and of telephone communication).

Besides, a new concept of marketing and economical management was accepted in the USA: production of goods for mass consumption. First it referred to electric lighting, telephones, later to automobiles and house construction. Improvement of production technology, new marketing policies, etc. made innovations affordable for millions. Consumers of different financial situation were able to use life facilities such as gas, heating, electric lighting and new types of transportation. Inventions of Thomas Edison, Nicholas Tesla and others had made useless electricity power one of the most widely used both in house facilities and in industry. Technology on the hand with creative thinking appeared to be successful in making useless theoretical discoveries turn into useful and important products used in daily life, setting first premises for the spread of popular culture and vanishing social distinctions.

Besides changes that happened with society inside the country, the USA position on the world arena was changing as well. Country with a great economical and human potential had more than enough credits to exploits its abilities in its foreign interests. So the USA had turned in some 100 years from an average New World colony with relatively small population into the only superpower in the Western Hemisphere, into a new type on empire. The premises for imperial growth were obvious long before the 1875, already in 1840-1850’s, when the USA had annexed Mexico’s territories of Texas, California and Nevada. 

Starting from late 1890’s America starts its policy directed on colonization of West India and Pacific. Large investments into Cuban enterprises and agriculture the end of the nineteenth century and Cuban rebellions against Spanish domination. So on the pretext of sinking of “Mane” 1898 near the shores of Cuba, the US declared the war to Spain and occupied Cuba. The US didn’t turn Cuba into its official possession; it instead set a puppet government which promoted the policy based on the interests of American business, making Cuba dependent from America in military, economy and politics. The islands of Philippines, Puerto-Rico and Guam were turned into American colonies.

Changes on the world arena and changes within the USA had made situation within the country more favorable, rising patriotism and pride for the country, which was mostly guaranteed by economical stability and growing authority of the USA in world politics.  Besides, starting from presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, government began to pay more attention to social problems and had funded different social programs that set the basement for the future welfare state. Emancipation of women and improvement of labor conditions had changed the opinions of society about government and raised trust to it. Besides the WW1 had boosted economy of the USA as the number of military demands of European fighting countries was constantly growing. WW1 made the US the most prosperous state in the world and created favorable conditions for future economical growth.

Starting from early 1910’s we can speak about the American people as about nation. Industrialization, cultural and political and territorial changes that took place in relatively short period of time as well as growing unity within the country based on goods exchange and developed communication systems turned American fragmented society into a nation, one of the most powerful nations in the world. A nation that felt unity, care of the government and pride for the country. A nation were all people were equal on practice and were universal human values were of the main priority.

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