Thursday, February 17, 2011

Research Project on Diversity

Research Project on Diversity

The United States has thrived as a democratic and economic superpower for hundreds of years. As a result of this status, millions of people all over the world have, for the most part, found it very desirable to live and grow in this country. The number of people in the United States, consequently, has increased greatly year after year. The influx of immigrants has been enormous, and has included people of innumerable beliefs, cultures, races, and ethnic backgrounds. In fact, the United States currently inhabits the most diverse population in the world, hands down. The nation’s one-of-a-kind diversity creates a special environment that can only be fully appreciated by those people who live in it. The condition at hand gives people an excellent opportunity to open up their minds to new ideas and thereby readily expand in areas that would have otherwise been left untouched. All in all, the benefits of diversity are quite obvious and rightfully so, are exposed often in the nation’s schools, corporations, and media.

However, like anything else, diversity has its drawbacks. Problems in functionality, communication for example, result from the United States’ diverse people. These functionality-related conflicts occur in the nations’ schools, workplaces, and public areas. Any active member of our society realizes these realities, however they are not often dealt with. Both the advantages and disadvantages of America’s diversity will continue to exist for years and years to come and should, therefore, be considered for the future. Although the upside of diversity is often noted and promoted, many of us don’t discuss the downsides created for several reasons.

The United States has come to a point where diversity exists in its greatest form whether it is or isn’t appreciated by the people. The nation strives to use this attribute to full advantage, where people grow in beneficial ways. For instance, in the spirit of understanding and respecting different cultural and religious points of views, Martin Luther King Jr. Day promotes a significant historical figure who helped bring diversity to the masses. This day is celebrated nationwide, especially in the nation’s schools, and based on my experiences makes use of diversity beneficially by helping to promote racial tolerance. In America, a standard has been developed that if you disapprove of diversity, you are impeding the nation’s progress because the nation’s diversity is considered a sure attribute. As a consequence of this standard, many of us don’t mention drawbacks of diversity in evasion of being seen as an outsider or in many instances a racist. For example, many college professors across the nation are foreign and speak with strong accents that make it difficult for students to properly understand what is being taught.

However, most students will bear with this disadvantage instead of complaining to the school to avoid being viewed as a bother or in some cases a racist. In the many possible situations like this, the majority of people would likely go about their business participating in something that isn’t their preference without contesting at all. Most of the nation’s people are aware of the nation’s ubiquitous diversity, and have learned to go about their business whether they appreciate the diversity or not. With reference to those who don’t appreciate diversity, the greater part of these people avoid emphasizing diversity’s drawbacks in effort to avoid feeling a nuisance and to prevent portraying a racist image.

When there exist differences in belief or even language as there do in diverse cultures, functionality becomes that much more difficult to achieve. This problem in achieving functionality takes place in most situations involving a diverse group of people. Nonetheless, the people of the United States seem to only be informed of the positive impact diversity has on any social or learning environment. Although this negligence of diversity-induced conflict seems a bad idea, the same case can be made for many issues today. For example, affirmative action attempts to overcome racial barriers to provide opportunity for minorities in various situations from a school to the workplace. Affirmative action, just like diversity, has created conflict among those affected both directly and indirectly. Many minorities consider the opportunity a sort of “special treatment” as if to say they are victims, and as a result, react negatively. Also, many non-minorities do not entirely appreciate the presence of discrimination and therefore do not feel a great need for any such “special treatment.” As is the case with diversity, these drawbacks, along with many others, are not expressed publicly too often. It almost seems quite possible then as British philosopher Stuart Hampshire proposes, “Our aversion to conflict may also be traced to our Enlightenment faith in the power of reason to resolve fundamental human problems (Skerry).” Furthermore, the American people are aware of the conflicts at hand, yet they feel the conflicts will begin to expire as the power of reason takes its course in time, and that there isn’t always a need to expose downsides if they are slowly but surely fading away.

America is filled with loads of bigoted and racist people. In fact, I have realized in my latter teenage years that there are far more racist people than I initially thought because many of these people simply keep their beliefs to themselves and so may not reveal their true colors all too much. These types of people don’t deal with diversity’s setbacks because they simply don’t care to. Why would they care to resolve diversity’s problems when in actuality they are a major part of the problem? In fact, many of these people don’t care much for diversity itself. They instead prefer to live a life in exile from all those in favor of diversity and its benefits, as they choose to follow their racist beliefs.

Having lived in Ireland and been able to see the United States as another country, I can enlighten you that the opportunity available in the “Land of the Free” is extremely intriguing. Although not even remotely perfect by any means, the United States undeniably offers the potential for a life that is as efficient as you can find. Accordingly, millions and millions of people want to live in this country.

The diversity in the United States, therefore, comes as no surprise. All in all, the variety of people offers an opportunity to grow mentally in ways that are otherwise difficult, ways that require a tremendously diverse atmosphere.

Obviously, though, the differences among the people cause various conflicts that aren’t dealt with often. 

Although unclear at first, explanations from not wanting to be a bother or seem racist to the national faith in reason to simply not wanting to, help clarify why many of us don’t sort out problems created by diversity, even though we should.
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