Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Research Project on Global Warming

Research Project on Global Warming

Most people don not realize simple things such as leaving on lights in the house or taking baths everyday are slowly ruining the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere is a layer of air many miles up in the sky that allow the sun to shine into the Earth and the greenhouse effect prevents much of the heat from escaping the Earth. The atmosphere also keeps the sun from burning animals into non existence. Humans are a big part of the problem and solution; therefore, limiting some of their everyday activities can help slow down the deterioration of the ozone layer, improve the greenhouse effect and reduce global warming.

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Many activities that people do create gases the pollute the atmosphere. One of the harmful greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced every time humans and animals exhale and nothing can be done about that, but humans also burn an enormous amount of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gasoline. Another harmful gas is nitrogen oxide which is given off by cars as they are driven and by coal-burning power plants as they generate electricity. Methane is produced by the rotting of plants and garbage as it deteriorates in landfills. (Methane is also created when humans and animals pass gas). The last of these very harmful gases are chlorofluorocarbons which are widely used in manufacturing different products such as plastics and foam packaging material. They are also used to keep refrigerators and air conditioners cool. People should avoid using CFCs that are found in every day items such as egg cartons, bicycle seats, toy stuffing, furniture cushions, yogurt machines, cameras, computers, TV sets, radios, and jewelry.

"Global warming is a problem that needs much more attention and analysis then it already receives. It is problem that is of the utmost importance to every person. Global warming causing agents need to be regulated and carefully watched and additional research done, emphasizing on how we can reduce or reverse all of the damage we have already done to our ozone layer. This needs to be done not only to right the wrong we have created but also make the world a safer more livable planet" (opinion 2).

So much can be done, starting in the home, to help the environment. "Everything [one] eats needs energy to grow, to manufacture, to transport to the grocery store and to cook"(Elkington 32). So, people should try and reduce the amount of packaging by buying in bulks, reusing plastic shopping bags or not using plastic bags but cloth shopping bags. Also, recycle, use less plastic wrap and aluminum foil and use more of reusable plastic containers for leftovers. Using the microwave for cooling only and not defrosting, taking less baths and more showers helps conserves water and "by reducing water use, [people] put less dirty water into [the] local water-treatment plant"(33). Also washing a full load of clothes at the coolest setting possible also helps save water and save the Earth from global warming.

The opposing states that "Global warming is a natural process that we have no control over. It can be caused by both internal and external processes. For example, some external changes are/could be in the Earth's orbit around the sun and how much energy the sun emits. There is no way for humans to control this so therefore we cannot have a policy about it. It obviously wouldnt work. However, there are the internal processes to consider as well. These we have more contol over. They are the changes in our climate system. Our air pollution is not entirely to blame for the changes occuring in the climate systems, but it is certainly a major contributer to the issue. I think that while this problem is not entirely our fault or anything that we can totally control we should do something to curb the amounts of air pollution"(opinion 15).

Air pollution is not the main contributor to the cause of global warming, the people of the world are. Although we do not realize it activities such as writing on the backs of the paper could save the world one sheet at a time. So much can be done by people of all ages. The simple luxuries we take for granted are destroying the most precious gift of all, life here on Earth.

This is a free research project on Global Warming topic. Keep in mind that all free research project samples and research paper examples are taken from open sources – they are plagiarized and cannot be used as your own research project. If you need a qualitative custom research project on Global Warming for college, university, Master's or PhD degree – you are welcome to contact professional research writing company to have your paper written online by academic research writers.

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