Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Computer Technology Research Paper

Computer Technology Research Paper

Motherboard Developments 

The current level of the development of technologies is extremely high. In fact, modern technologies have provided ample opportunities to achieve results people could have never even dreamed about. In this respect, the development of IT, computers and hardware was particularly important since it contributed consistently to the development of new technologies. It is necessary to underline that such a development resulted in the wide spread of PCs which entered practically all households and are really an essential element of the modern life, which facilitate the life of people considerably. At the same time, it should be said that the development of motherboards was one of the most significant factors that provided the rapid development of computing and hardware industry making modern PCs more compact and effective. On the other hand, the development of motherboards actually reflects the development of computer industry at large. In such a situation, it is really important to trace the development of motherboards in order to reveal the major trends in the motherboards market at the moment.


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The development of motherboards in the late 1970s – early 1980s
Speaking about the development of motherboards, it is necessary to underline that it is one of the basic and essential elements of modern computers. In fact, it is hardly possible to believe that in the past computers did not have motherboard in its modern form. At any rate, in the early stages of the development of PCs, in 1970s, computers were built in a case or mainframe where all the elements constituting a computer were connected. The connection was made by means of backplane, which consisted of a set of slots. The slots were connected between themselves by means of wires. In such a way, the predecessors of the modern motherboard were quite complicated and inconvenient to mass production. Moreover, the reliability of such a system was relatively low, but, what was probably more important, this system could not meet the growing demands the progressing computers should meet.

It was obvious that mainframes consisting of the set of slots connected by wires could not be effective enough as the new devices, which grew more and more sophisticated, could be installed on PCs. As a result, the need to change and improve the mainframes was obvious. In this respect, it should be said that the implementation of microprocessors was probably the major factor that determined the emergence of motherboards since it was more cost effective to place the backplane connectors, processor, and glue logic onto a single board, a motherboard (Chien, 1992, 38). The use of motherboard made computers much more effective and their production cost saving. At the same time, the use of mother board did not limit functions or potential of computers, instead, it enlarged them consistently. For instance, with the invention of the motherboards and their first implementation in computers, there was a possibility to combine the use of the motherboard and “child” boards, so-called daughterboards, with video, memory and I/O functions (Chien, 1992, p.102).

It is worthy of mention that the leading computer producers, such as IBM and Apple argue concerning their leadership in the invention of the motherboard. In this respect, the latter has a better position in this argument since it was Apple, which created Apple II in 1977, the computer that featured a motherboard with eight extension slots (Golding, 1981, p.105). On the other hand, IBM argues that it was this company that initiated the development of the motherboard industry. To put it more precisely, in 1981, this company created 5150 Personal Computer which was based on a motherboard (Moritz, 1996, p.95). This is why the company estimates that it was IBM that started the implementation of motehrboards.

However, the company that started the production is not so significant compared to the perspectives motherboards opened for the computer industry. At the same time, the late 1970s – early 1980s were just the dawn of the motherboard industry since it was a new hardware used in computers and specialists should continue to work on this hardware in order to find the most effective implementation to motherboards.

The development of motherboards in the late 1980s – 1990s 
The late 1980s – 1990s became the period of the rapid progress and development of the motherboard industry. In fact, during this period of time motherboards had evolved from the first models developed by IBM and Apple to motherboards which may be viewed as the basis of the contemporary motherboards. On analyzing the development of motherboards in the late 1980s – 1990s, it is necessary to underline that one of the major trends in this epoch was the shift to the increase of peripheral functions on motherboards. This means that due to such a shift, the producers of motherboards, mainly IBM and Apple, attempted to increase the number of functions that could be fulfilled with the help of motherboards. In fact, it was obvious that multi-functionality of computers based on the more effective of motherboards could be a determinant factor in gaining the advantageous position in the market. On the other hand, it should be said that such a trend in the development of motherboards was stimulated not only by purely economic factors, but also by the further progress of computer technologies, which actually created ample opportunities to develop peripheral functions on motherboards and, therefore, increase functionality and effectiveness of computers at large.

It is worthy of mention that by the late 1980s motherboards had already included single ICs capable of supporting a set of low-speed peripherals, such as keyboard, mouse, floppy disk drive, serial ports, and parallel ports. The further development of motherboards naturally increased the capabilities of motherboards.

The major trends in the development of motherboards market 
Basically, the current trends in the development of motherboards market are, to a significant extent, defined by the history of the development of motherboards. To put it more precisely, historically, IBM and Apple were the major competitors in the production and implementation of new motherboards. As a result, these two companies are viewed as the leaders of the motherboard industry. However, it is worthy of mention that in recent years other companies attempt to enter this industry and gain their share of the market. Basically, these companies are situated in Eastern-Asia and operated in countries where the level of the development of science and technologies provide opportunities for the wide implementation of innovation in the process of manufacturing of motherboards.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to underline that the position of Apple and, especially, IBM are extremely important in the development of the motherboard market since it these two companies that are the major computer producers and, therefore, major consumers of motherboards.

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the development of motherboards was extremely important for the development of the computer industry at large. On the one hand, the development of motherboard was determined by the economic factors since producers of computers attempted to make the process of production more cost effective and the use of motherboards proved to be very effective in this regard. On the other hand, the technological development also stimulated the development of motherboards independently from the impact of economic factors. In such a way, the development of motherboards may be viewed as a natural response of the industry on demands of the epoch. Finally, it should be said that the motherboard industry has made a considerable progress since the late 1970s when the first motherboard was created.
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