Saturday, March 10, 2012

Martha Ballard Research Paper

Martha Ballard Research Paper

Martha Ballard: Nurse, Midwife, and Early American Diarist
Martha Ballard as a Nurse
Martha Ballard, as a nurse, encountered diseases caused by Group A hemolytic streptococci, such as scarlet fever, puerperal fever and wound infections. Due to poor level of medicine knowledge at that time these infections had epidemic severity and took many lives. As a nurse Martha provided treatment to her patients and supported, demonstrating rare sympathy, as three of her own children died before from similar disease.

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One Rape. Two Stories
Martha’s diary describes situation around rape of Ms. Fosters, who was wife of Minister of Hallowell’s Congregational Church, by judge Joseph North. It appears that the court decision was biased, as judge North was a reputable local public person and minister Fosters was rather a controversial person. Martha Ballard’s diary hints that Mr. North in any case could be pled non-guilty despite all of the evidence presented in the court.

Martha Ballard as a Midwife
Being midwife is a demanding profession, requiring not only knowledge of medicine, skills, but strong interpersonal skills in order to support mother. As a midwife Midwifery assisted in birth preparations, assisted the births, watched for possible deviations from the norm and dealt with them throughout pregnancy cycle. She also provided help and consultations to parents in early days after birth.

US after Revolution
Though the American Revolution promoted liberty and democracy, young nation faced many problems such as consequences of war and difficulties in building new country. Process of integration of once separate states into one nation was rather complicated problem as many administrative issues had to be resolved and interests of many people needed to be balanced. Lives of many people were crippled by war and economy was in recession leading to postwar depression.

Struggles over Land
Struggle over land started 1763, after French lost their land in Maine, when ordinary settlers came to take accessible land and found that it was already claimed by absentee developers. Martha Ballard’s, family was involved into this struggle – her nephew, was accused in murder, and his allies marched to set him free from the jail.

Public Religion and Private Piety
Martha was en example of prevalence of private piety over public religion. While public religion is rather a social norm, including regular attending certain church, religious gatherings, defending certain religious norms, private piety is a non-formalized act of faith like private praying or expressing gratitude to God, which Martha often did in her diary.

Importance of Martha Ballard’s Diary
Martha Ballard wrote her diary daily for 27 years starting from January 1, 1785. Martha’s diary we can learn a great deal about the life of the woman in young American Republic, as well as to see historic events, other people’s lives and community life with her eyes. The diary vividly demonstrates Martha’s struggle and tragedies within her own family, events of social life, including local crimes and scandals. The diary gives a woman’s perspective on political and social life of the early American republic, it allows us to enrich, deepen, and complicate our understanding of everyday life in early America.
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