Thursday, March 29, 2012

Research Paper on Corporal Punishment

Research Paper on Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment is said to be a deliberate pain and suffering infliction tat is done on purpose to change the behavior of the particular person or to punish him. In most countries counties of the world corporal punishment is banned, but is some parts of the world it remains legal (some African countries, Asian and Caribbean). Such kind of punishment is practiced not only at schools, but also at home, although such attitudes to children had been banned few centuries ago. 

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There two points of view upon this subject: some are strongly against corporal punishment and some people think that corporal punishment in some cases can be rather effective mean in solving problems. For, example human standards of United Nations discourage this type of punishment. Arguments against involvement of corporal punishment includes the fact that in some cases such attitudes can make children not obey to commands that parents give to them. Corporal punishments lower child’s elf-esteem and in the future there is a lot of likeliness that the child will practice the same behavior not only with people, who surround him, but also with his own children. It trains physical violence, encourages rage and developed hostility. Corporate punishment primarily has very little effectiveness and has serious side effects that can be not visible at once but in several years. The undesired behavior of children is said to be managed in other ways than spanking. Children who are punished by their parents and in school are more biased to express anger when being adults other than those whose parents never applied such practices. Corporal punishment is generally associated with high levels of physical aggression and abuse, which should not be connected with parents. When punished physically in the childhood, the person practices unjust attitudes to others when becoming an adult. Corporal punishment is not the mean of solving problems and conflicts. Primarily, corporal punishment is the direct violation of human rights, and the child is to small to respond adequately for physical punishment or is not string enough to answer with the same, children remember abuses and in the future revenge to everyone they can and continue this line of abusive behavior. It is necessary to mention that corporal punishment is not only an emotional damage to child’s psychology, but also is harmful to his physical and social well-being. That is why nowadays many laws are developed to protect children and their rights.

Corporal punishment can be also viewed as the deterioration of trust liaisons between the child and his parents. Children who are constantly punished can grow violent, shy, insecure and resentful. Such children can experience different types of disorders, especially anxiety ones, and be dependable upon opinions of others. So, arguments show that corporal punishment in most cases has totally an opposite results and work the opposite direction of the set objective. Adults are no always emotionally stable. They can have problems at work or imply get tired, and the child can become the victim of their bad mood for some not important reasons, which in other situation never have been paid attention. So, children may even not show any evidences of misbehavior, but still punished. And in future, children will imitate such behavior and consider it normal and what even more important they loose the opportunity to learn how to resolve conflicts peacefully. They can punish their parents for such attitudes by not communicating with them or not allowing seeing their grandchildren. They are simply loosing their freedom and sense of dignity while being physically punished. The biggest dilemma with corporal punishment is that if it ever showed it efficiency, the dose of punishment should have been increased to achieve higher levels of efficiency and better results. Corporate punishment are always associated with humiliation and pain and that I why should be prohibited. Speaking about pros of corporal punishment, ritual punishment has to be mentioned. They have the right for existence as they were historically developed for particular cases.

Then, such corporal punishment as spanking can be used in cases when the child is absolutely out of parents control and is not responding to any of parents’ talks.

In the conclusion I would like to summarize key arguments about use of corporate punishments and to say that it is always the choice of parents whether to use it or not, and only they can know better how to behave appropriately with their child, but they should always remember that childhood is the period of core persons and values and behavior for the future life and parents should b very careful not overestimate their striving.
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