Monday, December 26, 2011

Ethnography Research Paper

Ethnography Research Paper

Wheeling and Dealing: An Ethnography of an Upper-Level Drug Dealing and Smuggling Community
Patricia Adler and her husband carried out a very risky ethnography of an upper-level drug community known primarily for large amounts of drug dealing and smuggling. In doing so they put their own lives at risk by studying such a sensitive topic. However, they were able to carry out a study that produced results that were new and informative, especially compared to previous studies done on lower levels of drug use and selling. Adler and her husband began their study after observing and interacting with their neighbor, who they shared a common interest of smoking pot with. After spending a lot of time with him and other key informants involved in the smuggling trade, gaining rapport, Adler saw a prime opportunity to begin her study, receiving open approval from these few subjects. However, there was still great risk for both Adler and her husband, as they were putting their lives in jeopardy by interacting with these individuals. They risked police involvement if they were to be subpoenaed due to their insight and recorded evidence of drug related dealings and faced incarceration for witnessing illegal activity and not reporting it to officials. 

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They also faced risks from their subjects, who were frequently paranoid due to their illegal involvement. In addition, the drugs they took altered their moods, making their behavior more unpredictable as they sometimes deemed Adler and her husband as unsafe. In order to better secure their safety, Adler offered protection to her subjects through anonymity and confidentiality. However, because the drug smuggling industry is so dangerous and secretive Adler had to carry out a lot of her study covertly. She had confided in a few key informants and they agreed it would be best to keep a hidden agenda among some individuals. Those she had been overt with aided in her study by informing her of "big deals" that were going to happen or if someone that would be of interest to Adler and crucial in her ethnography were going be around in case she wanted to "stop by". As Adler and her husband gained trust and rapport with many individuals within this circle, they became overt in their methodological research. However this did backfire sometimes as some people withdrew upon discovering the Adlers' motives while others threatened to take the tapes they had recorded of them, becoming paranoid, especially under the influence, about being taped. The Adlers took more precaution on how and who to reveal their study motives and continued to carry out the study covertly with some subjects, deciding it was in their personal interest. According to Adler her subjects did not perform these deviant behaviors because they had no alternate opportunities in a conventional society or because of life failures. They entered a life of deviance because of numerous combining factors that led them to believe that it was a better life than what was offered through society's norms. First, they chose to follow their id, their pleasure seeking intrinsic desires for instant gratification. Fulfilling these drives is taboo in American society, therefore repressing those who are involved is bureaucratic and causes those individuals involved to refrain from conventional society and continue their behavior defiantly. Although Adler does note that not all people in this situation turn to drug smuggling, those who see ample opportunity in the drug-smuggling illicit enterprise enter it for the freedom and hedonism (Adler Pp. 155). I find Adler's argument to be informative and somewhat convincing. I also believe that these individuals did not enter this deviant career choice because they were unable to function under a more conventional job. I believe that Adler's subjects, being a predominately upper-class group, would be capable of work in several legitimate industries as many were very business-like and efficient. However, I do believe that some individuals, especially those at the lower end of the drug dealing enterprise, fight to survive under conventional jobs, especially when having little or no education. Involvement in a deviant career allows them the opportunity to make more money than through typical means (Adler Pp. 155). In her final chapter, Adler addresses the government's "War on Drugs" and its unintended consequences. She states "drug trafficking has been affected by the level and the type of law enforcement. Each time the latter escalates, the former has to escalate to survive" (Pp.196). By this she means that as U.S. officials develop more drug policies, such as increased border control, "small timers", are forced to go under due to limited sources of transportation (i.e. trucks rather than planes) and resources, while large smugglers benefit as they become more powerful and elite able to operate under financial strength. In essence, according to Patricia Adler, the U.S. government helps to create a larger-scaled, structured organization of smugglers that are able to meet consumer demands. It is then that this deviant lifestyle becomes most intriguing, as it did for many of Adler's subjects, offering a high dollar, fast-paced, free-spirited career opportunity for those who have the connections and resources to go into business.
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