Research Proposal on Teenage Pregnancy
In the United States millions of babies are born to unwed and teenage mothers. This problem is a huge one for the families of these teenagers and for the society at large. A large number of these girls have been pressured into sex by boys, they are left to carry the responsibilities of taking care of babies when they are only babies themselves.
A lot of this teenagers when interviewed say they would have taken the advice of an adult if there had been one to take care of them. this shows that teenage pregnancy must be stopped.Adults must be willing to talk to teenagers about the danger of engaging premarital and unsafe sex. This problem is a huge one not just for the family, it also cost the government a lot of money to take care of these babies.
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In the year 2002 alone the US government spent at least 6 billion dollars taking care of these babies. This is a problem that is very well presentable. As Adults we must all taking responsibilities for these teenager. Talk to the teenager you have at home and they will thank you one day. Schools should also take responsibilities for this very serious problem by introducing sex education classes into their curriculum. The society should also take responsibility by hiring counselors that can go to classes and teach these kids how to overcome peer pressure.if we do not do our best to help these kids we are automatically building a society that is not healthy. studies shows that the US has the highest cases of teenage pregnancy in the world. It is seconded by the united kingdom. studies show that the highest rate of teen pregnancy are among African Americans. studies also show that teenagers raised by single parents are more likely to become single parents themselves.
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